Monday, November 1, 2010

Ping Pong Show?

 So, Bradley (my roommate from Bangkok) and I decided we wanted to explore the Silom area near our hostel. She had heard of a night market nearby so we set off on an adventure. We walked through a very nice part of town and realized that there were a lot of super nice hotels and it was an area that was definitely catering to westerners. On our journey I saw McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, KFC and 5 Starbucks. The streets were crawling with foreigners, mostly Europeans.  We continued on to the Patpong night market.  It was a nice market however we quickly realized that we were in a not so nice area of town (aka the red light district). We strolled through the market but decided to quickly get out of the area. 

For the one millionth time I do not want to see a ping pong show!! (If you don’t know what a ping pong show is, don’t ask. You really don’t want to know. 555).

After a disappointing Thai dinner at Happy Joe’s restaurant (or something to that effect), I broke down and had my first taste of western food. McDonald’s french fries. Hands down, best tasting french fries I have ever had.

Sunday morning I decided to splurge and get a Thai massage. Traditional Thai massages are not at all like the massages in the states. My body was twisted and contorted in ways I didn’t know it could go. My limbs were pushed, pulled and stretched in every possible direction. I was expecting it to hurt a lot but it felt surprisingly good. All of the tension in my muscles was instantly gone. Best $10 I have ever spent. Definitely an experience worth repeating.


1 comment:

  1. I think I do want to know what a ping pong show is... maybe. Maybe I'm also a little bit scared. ;-)

    By the way, all of your pictures are SO great! I didn't know you had such an artistic eye with the camera. They are wonderful!
