Monday, November 1, 2010

So much for making friends with the dogs in my neighborhood...

I arrived at the school after my journey from Bangkok and was walking towards my house. The dogs in my neighborhood immediately began barking, (which is pretty common) and two of them began to follow me. I was told that the best thing to do is ignore them, keep walking, and eventually they will leave you alone. So, this is exactly what I did. I continued walking. Suddenly, one of them bit the back of my leg. Luckily, my Thai neighbors (including a fellow teacher from the English department) were out in the street and saw the whole thing. They immediately sat me down, stopped the bleeding and drove me to the doctor in town. They were extremely helpful and were able to translate between me and the doctor. Luckily the bite was not that deep nor that serious. They cleaned me up, gave me a rabies shot along with some antibiotics. I have to go back a few more times to get the rest of the shots in the series. I am amazed at how friendly and helpful Thai people are and I am so thankful that I have such great neighbors!!


  1. Oh my gosh Jenny! Those dogs need to take a major chill pill... I am so glad that you are all right! Your descriptions of Thai people bamboozle me. You say that they make fun of you and laugh at you all the time, yet they are also truly helpful. So odd. Seriously though, I am glad you are okay!

  2. Oh, I wanted to ask - does anyone in Thailand do anything for Halloween? I am guessing not, but if so it would be interesting.
