Friday, September 17, 2010

Its Official

I got my visa in the mail today. It was a very exciting moment! It also seems kind of silly that I had to send away a whole pile of paperwork for just a simple stamp in my passport. It somehow seems more official now that I have my visa. It is starting to set in that I am really going to Thailand. This is really happening. My mind is racing with all of the to-do's and it doesn't seem possible that I will get everything done and be prepared to leave in three short weeks. My time at work is winding down. I have four more shifts left and it feels bittersweet. On one hand I can't wait to be done, but at the same time I am definitely going to miss my amazing co-workers and a lot of the girls. I am very excited to see what a classroom full of Thai kids looks like and how it compares to what I have been doing the last two years. I am getting really excited but I also can't believe it is coming up so soon!

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

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