Monday, February 28, 2011


The first stop on my two month traveling journey was Sukhothai, and what a perfect place to start. Sukhothai is a cute little city that was once the old capital of Thailand. Sukhothai is divided into two parts, the old city where the historic park and ruins are, and the new city where we stayed. We stayed at a really cute little guest house run by a friendly couple.  The first day we took a trolley/song-tau thing into the old city where we rented bikes to tour the ruins. Unlike Ayuttaya, all of the ruins are located in one park area. The ruins were amazing and much more well preserved. The park was also way less crowded and touristy. My favorite part of the ruins was the "Big Buddha" at Wat Sri Chum. So amazing. Although it was hotter than hot, it was a great day biking around the ruins. The next day was spent exploring the "new city" and lounging at our hostel. We had allowed ourselves two days to tour the ruins but we really only needed one. I am definitely glad we stopped in Sukhothai. I think it is a place that tends to get overlooked by tourists but has some of the most amazing ruins I have seen and definitely worth a stop. Next stop Chiang Mai!

P.S. Unfortunately I was unable to  pack my laptop in my backpack so I may not be able to upload photos for a while. I will try to post pictures as soon as I find a place that allows me to do it!

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