Monday, May 9, 2011


I can’t believe that I only have a week left in SE Asia. Time went by way too fast. I don’t think it has really set in that I am LEAVING. Two weeks in Vietnam flew by and now I am back in U-Thong attempting to pack up everything from the last 8 months. I keep thinking back to my first week in Thailand and how far I have come and how many amazing things I have done and seen. It doesn’t seem possible that it is finally coming to an end.

I have really mixed feelings about coming home. Of course I am very excited to see my family and friends. It will be nice to stay put somewhere for an extended period of time. I am pretty tired of wearing the same 7 shirts every week and smelling like sweat and dirty feet. It will be nice to be able to unpack everything and not have to live out of a backpack for the first time in almost 3 months. There are a lot of things I miss from the States that I am excited to go home to.

On the other hand I am very sad to leave. I have gotten used to Thailand. I have learned a bit of the language, made some great friends, and feel very comfortable here. It’s going to be a big change.

Olivia and I spent one final day in Bangkok. We met up with a friend and had a delicious meal, got a final Thai massage, and went shopping at JJ (chatachak) market for last minute gifts and souvenirs. It was a really great day but I got really sad when I thought about how it was the last time I would be in Bangkok. Hopefully I will be back one day.   

 Time to say my good-byes to U-Thong and finish packing. L   

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