Saturday, April 30, 2011

Eating Like A Local

One of the main reasons I wanted to come to Vietnam was for the food. I have heard that real Vietnemese food is amazing. All I really know about Vietnemese food is from the little hole in the wall place my family and I go to. I was excited to try out the real thing!

Like Thailand, some of the best food can be found at street food stalls. Unfortunately it can be quite intimidating for a foriegner to eat at a food stall. For one, food stalls don't look that appealing from the outside and are usually located in alleys or small streets away from the main action. Second, they usually don't have menus. You kind of have to figure out what they have to offer (usually you can tell by the ingredients placed in the window of their cart). Ordering usually involves a lot of pointing and gesturing and you hope they understand what you want.

The food stalls in Vietnam are a little different. For starters, they have minature sized tables and those bright red plastic kiddie chairs to sit on. You know the kind that are meant for 4-5 year olds. Not exactly meant for a giant like me. Usually you are ushered to sit at a table that is already crowded with locals who stare at you awkwardly as you try to squeeze in and sit down. I tend to get a lot of stares as I eat and it can be pretty uncomfortable to be sitting across from random strangers as you attempt to eat your food. I get a few nods of approval as I add the right ingredients to my bowl of Pho. A little fish sauce, some fresh lime, a few greens, maybe a little sugar or red pepper flakes. I guess I must be doing something right.  I have not yet mastered the art of chopsticks, so I get a few giggles as I dribble soup all over myself. Hey, its not my fault. I blame the super tiny furniture. It wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't so far away from my food.

Although it can be intimidating to eat like a local, sometimes you just have to suck it up and get over your fear of looking like a fool (and maybe having an upset tummy). If you do you will be rewarded with some of the best and cheapest food you will ever eat.

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