Monday, April 11, 2011

Tone Fa Sue Mak Mak

Koh Lanta was just what I was looking for. A beautiful, less expensive, and less touristy island.

I met back up with Olivia and we stayed at a really cute hotel right on the beach. The beach was gorgeous white sand and the water was so clear and so blue. 

We made a Thai friend at our hotel who volunteered to show us around the island. He took us to a great view point, drove us through old town and we were able to explore Saladen, the port city. The island of Koh Lanta is very large but it does not feel like it, and it is not quite on the tourist radar yet. It was great.

I learned a new Thai phrase while in Koh Lanta. ‘Tone fa sue mak mak’  which means ‘the sky is very beautiful’. Koh Lanta had the most amazing sunsets. Thailand has had some pretty incredible sunsets so far but I think Koh Lanta takes the cake. 

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