Saturday, April 30, 2011

Vietnam Part II- Nha Trang and Hoi An

Nha Trang, a small beach town on the coast, was not high on our list of cities to visit in Vietnam. However, there was no direct bus to Hoi An. Well there is but it takes a full 24 hours to get there! So, we decided to stay overnight in Nha Trang to break up the journey. The town of Nha Trang was pretty unremarkable. The beach however was quite nice, scattered with more locals than foriegners. A nice change. Overall an OK pit stop.

Hoi An is great. It is one of the only cities in Vietnam to have escaped any damage during the war. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to all of the buildings having the original French architecture. It was such a cute town. You can definitely feel the French influence. Lots of really cute cafes and resturants along the river. A great town to just wander. I enjoyed being in a quieter city for a few days.

Time for overnight bus number 3. Ugh.  Vietnam is a huge country! Off to the experience the craziness of Hanoi!!

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