Thursday, October 21, 2010

apartment flooded? Oh its normal.

So last night it literally rained buckets for a soild hour. We went to the school to use the internet because we do not have wireless set up yet. I did not realize how bad it was until I walked back to my apartment. All of the neighbors were standing in the street and the water was up to my shins. I couldn't even get into my apartment because the water level was up past the door. My Thai neighbors attempted to explain to me that I could not go in because I might get electrocuted. They were also appalled that I lived by myself. Luckily I was able to stay with Olivia and Elana at their place (which also flooded but not as bad). We called our director to see what we should do but she couldn't help us because the streets were all flooded. One of the vice directors came by (I guess he lives near by) and he came to look at it. He basically waved it off and said it was no big deal. Apparently this is pretty common (especially in the rainy season) and he said it is usually worse. The water level went down after about an hour so I went to check on my place. The whole bottom level had been flooded but now was just filled with dirt and debris. Luckily all of my personal belongings were upstairs in my bedroom. There was no electricity so I had to stay with the other two girls. I am now going to go attempt to clean up everything! Oh adventures of living in Thailand.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I am SO glad all of your stuff is okay!! I kept thinking about your laptop and camera and Kindle. Welp, I guess now we know, stuff goes out of reach of the water level... Sheesh!
