Sunday, October 10, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Tomorrow morning I officially start my journey to Thailand! After about 24 hours of traveling time (ugh) I will arrive in Bangkok where I will begin a week of orientation. During this week I will  be able to meet fellow teachers, tour Bangkok and learn tips and tools for teaching English in Thailand. I am excited to learn more about the country where I will be living for the next six months! After orientation everyone will be taken to the schools where they will be teaching . I will be at the U-Thong school in the Suphanburi province outside of Bangkok.

Over the past few days I have felt an overwhelming number of emotions. I am sad to be leaving my friends and family but I am excited for this new adventure.  After packing and re-packing (about twenty times) I finally feel like I have everything that I need. I can't wait to begin this amazing journey! Well, its off to bed so I can attempt to get a good nights sleep before beginning a LONG day(s?) of traveling. My next post will be from Thailand! Hooray!

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing things because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

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