Thursday, October 14, 2010


Wow what a crazy couple of days! I arrived in Bangkok Tuesday night. I met a couple of girls at the airport and we took a taxi together to the hotel. We managed to cram 4 people into a tiny car with all of our bags piled on top of us. Traffic here is crazy! There are tuk-tuks and scooters everywhere that weave in and out of traffic. I think I have almost been run over about 20 times already as there are no pedestrian walkways. There don't seem to be very many traffic laws here at all! On Wednesday I met a bunch of other teachers from the program and 22 of us set off to explore downtown Bangkok. Our hotel is pretty far from the actual city of Bangkok so it took us quite a while to get there. Imagine a huge mob of Americans walking down the Thai side streets lol. Ended up taking a commuter train that took us to the center of the city. We walked to Siam Square which is the shopping district of Bangkok. They have a HUGE shopping mall there and also a bunch of outdoor clothing markets. I  had my first taste of Pad Thai from a street vendor and it was delicious! I am definitely experiencing some culture shock. The language is so difficult to understand! Bangkok is a very overwhelming. I am really glad that I am not going to be teaching in the city. I am excited to be outside of all the hustle and bustle of Bangkok.  I have met some great people so far and I am excited to start orientation tomorrow!

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